Gabriel and the Last Adam

Gabriel and The Last Adam
 by Danny C. Wash

Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness...the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man [Adam], and he slept; then He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh at that place. And the Lord God fashioned into a woman [Eve] the rib which He had taken from the man....” Genesis 1:26; 2: 21-22; “And the angel answered and said to her [Mary], ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy offspring shall be called the Son of God.’” Luke 1:35. “And she will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21 “The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam [Jesus] became a life-giving spirit.”  I Corinthians 15:45.

A poem story beginning in the time of the creation of the Garden of Eden:  

The archangel Gabriel, who always stood in the presence of God in Heaven, perked up his ears when he thought he heard his name being mentioned in a conversation among the Trinity, which is the One God- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three could be seen and there was also a type of continuous connection between them no matter where they moved that looked like a mist of rainbow colors. The three entities of the God-Head were distinct but not separate. When in the presence of God the Father, Gabriel had to keep his eye-shades down and engaged when he looked toward God the Father because the intensity of His glory was brighter than the sun and would blind anyone who dared look at Him. Gabriel had once made that mistake and was blind for a day and a night until his sight returned. God, in the Trinity, were communicating with each other in the great throne room in Heaven about creating a new entity, which was to be called “man.” Gabriel was listening to see if there would be any need for him in this plan. Among other duties, Gabriel served as God’s main messenger. Gabriel could tell that this new being, which was named “Adam,” was of great concern to God. Gabriel heard God say that He was going to give Adam a dangerous but exciting attribute called free-will. Gabriel understood this meant that Adam could choose to obey God or not. Gabriel was concerned about this because he knew how free-will had caused a major rift in Heaven before, when the former high-ranking angel, Satan, had chosen to rebel against God’s authority and was cast out of Heaven causing other angels to choose to follow him in the rebellion. 

Later, after God had created everything else on the earth and in the universe, Gabriel watched as God formed Adam out of the dust of the earth. Gabriel looked in anticipation as God hovered over Adam and breathed life into him. Gabriel was surprised at Adam’s design in that he looked generally like him but without wings. Gabriel used his wings, not to fly but as an enfolding shield from spiritual and physical attacks of the enemy of God.  Also, the wings could be extended and enfold his body causing him to be invisible or to even look like an ordinary human. After Adam’s creation and he had explored the garden of Eden, God instructed Adam to watch over and keep Eden. God also told Adam that he was to name all the animals and birds. To do this, God gave Adam great authority, physical strength and mental power, as well as the free-will to choose. Gabriel learned that God created in Adam something called a soul, which was where Adam thought, felt emotions, and exercised his free-will. Adam was also given something deeper inside him beyond his thinking mind, called a spirit, where Adam and God could communicate with each other in an understanding intuitive way. This spirit was also the place in Adam where God hoped Adam would choose to allow God’s own eternal life to enter into him by eating of the fruit of the tree of life since, at this time, Adam only had human life in him. Gabriel was also curious as to why Adam was by himself while all the animals had mates. Then Gabriel watched as God remedied this by causing Adam to fall into a deep sleep. God removed one of Adam’s ribs and out of it created a beautiful mate for Adam, named Eve.  While God was removing the rib and creating Eve, God also took some seed from Adam’s body and an egg from Eve’s body. God gave them to Gabriel instructing him to keep them cold and safe. Gabriel obeyed and placed the precious material in a protective container in the ice rings of the planet Saturn. The taking of the seed and egg was done before Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God. Gabriel was to watch over the couple but was instructed not to interfere with their choices. Gabriel understood that Adam was on a type of probation and testing by God to see if Adam would choose to obey God in all His instructions, including the one that he was never to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 

One day, Gabriel watched as the angel Satan, in the form of a serpent, entered the garden. Gabriel could hardly stand not being able to confront Satan and throw him out of the garden but he remembered that God told him not to interfere with Adam and Eve’s choices and he knew that this could be part of it. Gabriel watched as Satan slithered up to Eve, when she was walking in the garden by herself and Adam was busy that day naming all the animals that had horns and tails. He overheard Satan beguile Eve with his smooth talk and caused her to doubt what God had told her and Adam about not eating of the fruit of the forbidden tree. Gabriel gasped as he saw Eve begin eating the fruit and then she ran to Adam to give him a bite. Adam ate some of the fruit and Gabriel watched as they instantly began to change in their appearance and behavior, as if they suddenly saw the garden around them differently. He watched as they recognized they were naked and in their loss of innocence, they began gathering leaves desperately to cover themselves. Gabriel saw the great liar Satan as he laughed at Adam and Eve and he retreated out of the garden in his satisfaction from the evil he had done to God and His creation. Satan’s deception of Eve causing them to choose to disobey God by eating the fruit of the forbidden tree resulted in the great curse of death falling on and into Adam and Eve and all their kind. Adam’s disobedience resulted in the power over the earth given to him by God being stolen by Satan. This also caused a curse to rush over the whole earth and all that was in it, including Adam and Eve. Both Adam and Eve were infected with the evil and sinfulness from Satan which affected every part of their body and caused their inner spirit to wither and be cut off from God. Satan’s evil and its curse corrupted Adam and Eve’s DNA and that of all the creatures of the earth resulting in all kinds of dangerous and evil things appearing upon the earth. Because of the sin of the two, God knew He must remove them from the garden because of the harm they could do if they ate of the tree of life in their present state of their knowledge of good and evil and of not being able to hear God now in their darkened spirits. Gabriel watched as these two formerly beautiful and perfect people were driven out into the newly cursed and damaged world by cherubim angels, who then were set as guards to prevent anyone from trying to enter the marred garden until it ultimately disappeared because of the curse.  Gabriel was very sad by the great tragedy that had befallen all of God’s beautiful creation, but he believed God must have a plan in the event of Adam failing his test of obedience. However, as Gabriel tried to learn what the plan was, God’s unfathomableness and mystery prevented even Gabriel from knowing it. It was the mystery of all mysteries designed this way to prevent Satan from knowing the plan and once again interfering.

This was a temporary frustration of God’s original plan for Adam and Eve and their children.  Gabriel knew that God had created an eternal set of moral laws, which must be followed by everyone including God, Himself. Gabriel knew that the plan would somehow involve a rescue of God’s plan for man and the earth in a way that would obey and be within God’s righteousness and obedience to His own laws that He had created. 

After four days in Heaven passed (four thousand earth years-see II Peter 3:8), Gabriel noticed another unusual conference in the God-Head and Gabriel thought he heard his named being mentioned again. God called Gabriel and told him to bring the seed of Adam and the egg of Eve that He had told him to preserve. Gabriel immediately obeyed and brought them to God. God received the seed and egg and the Holy Spirit took them. God told Gabriel that he was to appear on earth to a young girl named Mary, a Jew living in Nazareth, and told him what he should tell her. Gabriel went to the doorway between Heaven and earth and the angel of the door opened the invisible door for  him to enter the earthly realm at Mary’s home. Gabriel then appeared to Mary and he said these words from God to her: “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to Him the throne of his father David, and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.” And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God. And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. For nothing will be impossible with God.” And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And Gabriel departed from her and left through the same Heavenly doorway. A short time later, the Holy Spirit took Adam’s seed, which was removed from him before sin entered him or Eve, and fertilized the egg from Eve with the seed. The Holy Spirit appeared in Mary’s room in the house in Nazareth and overshadowed Mary in her sleep. The Holy Spirit also infused the holy life of God into the fertilized egg and attached it to Mary’s womb to complete the holy conception. The baby in her womb was fully God and fully sinless man, becoming what God had intended for Adam to be, if he had chosen to eat of the tree of life in the garden, which fruit of the tree of life was God’s Spirit of Life. The baby in Mary’s womb was the Last Adam-Jesus, as stated in the scripture, “The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam [Jesus Christ] became a life-giving spirit.” I Corinthians 15:45.  “For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.” I Corinthians 15:22. The first man Adam, by his failure in the test of obedience in Eden, plunged the whole world into sin. The man Jesus was not tainted in His body by Adam’s sin, as is all of mankind because all came forth from Adam’s sin-corrupted DNA making our bodies tainted by this original sin in Eden. But, the man Jesus was not tainted by Adam’s sin having come from Adam and Eve’s pre-sin seed and egg, as well as receiving the life of God from the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Jesus was able to live a sinless life on our behalf and then die for our sins and be resurrected by God causing our salvation by his perfect blood sacrifice. 

God’s mysterious plan was beginning its most important time, as the baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem and began to grow into a man to fulfill God’s word spoken through Gabriel to Mary. After Gabriel returned from his mission as a messenger to Mary, he again began standing in the presence of God. Gabriel was hoping for the specific day, after two Heavenly days, when God will speak and the Lord Jesus Christ from His throne at the right hand of God will tell Gabriel to prepare his trumpet for the final day and, “the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.” I Thessalonians 4:16.

[End Note: This poem story is based on the Bible account of the creation of man and Jesus’ birth described in Genesis, Matthew, and Luke. The reader should read Genesis 1 and 2, as well as the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ birth, to see what is directly out of the Bible and what is not found in the Bible but is reasonable “historical fiction” as to what might have happened surrounding the Biblical narrative. As you may know, there are books and movies about Biblical events, Jesus, and His life that present reasonable guesses and historical fiction as to certain details not stated explicitly in the Bible surrounding the Gospel narratives of Jesus or Biblical events (e.g. “The Chosen,” The Passion of Christ,” “Left Behind”etc.). There are even novels about his early life that add fictional details that are only educated guesses and opinions about what may have happened. (“The Young Messiah”). This poem story is similar to those “historical fiction” books and movies that add extra-Biblical material and which no one should believe is directly out of the Bible but fill-in the Biblical material with window-dressing type details for entertainment purposes. The account in this poem story of the manner in which the Christ child was created from Adam and Eve and placed in Mary’s womb (the first artificial insemination) does not appear in Scripture, but the Scripture does not rule it out. So, this part of the poem is a theory that is not supported or opposed by Scripture.  If it were true, it would give a reasonable explanation of how Jesus’ physical body and human soul was born without the original sin of man, which infected Mary, but Mary would not have passed that to Jesus since she would have been just the “birth-mother” as to the fertilized egg, and why Paul refers to Jesus as the “last Adam.” Could God have created Jesus in Mary's womb to be fully God and fully sinless man through an egg from Mary and the Holy Spirit "overshadowing" her and still have made the egg from Mary and Mary sinless somehow or even have done it in some other manner? Certainly, He is God and nothing is impossible with God. The reader should also understand that the author of this poem story is not saying that the words of the Bible account of the creation of man or incarnation of Jesus are in any way fictional or incorrect.  It should also be noted that some in the Catholic church have a theory that Mary was sinless even though the theory is not found in the Bible.]

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