
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Ancient Mediator

  The Ancient Mediator                                                                           by Danny C. Wash     The Ancient Mediator is what he’s called. After all these years he still stands tall. Doing his best at resolving cases everyday, The Ancient One lets nothing stand in his way. Don’t want to settle for a million you say. Go stand in the corner and think until you pay. Believe you can win at trial without delay, You may be crying in the courtroom someday. The Old One is the master of doubt & doom for your case. Think what could happen when you stand in disgrace. What is that circling your case, is that an Eagle or an Albatross? Perhaps a jury with a big verdict or is your case out of court to be flung?  The Ancient One’s work is to arouse in your mind fear & doubt. What if the jury decides that the Albatross about my neck is to be hung? Or, how much will I have to pay, if the jury’s verdict is a knockout? And so, the Ancient Mediator having done his work on

The Search

 The Search                                                           by Danny C. Wash I climbed a mountain high that took me up into the sky -but I did not find it there. I came down into a valley low to see what I could find below -but I did not find it there. I crossed the desert far following nothing but a star -but I did not find it there. I sailed across a very deep sea searching for what would satisfy me. -but I did not find it there. Where could there be peace of mind, which is what I was seeking to find. All this time that I did seek and roam there was no need to even leave my home,  for the answer was in the Savior’s vineyard. To abide in His vine & receive the reward.

Life is Hard but God is Good

 Life is Hard but God is Good                                                 By Danny C. Wash Life is hard but God is good. The strong wind blows trouble to accomplish what it should; sometimes His acts are not so subtle and they explode our comfortable world with torrential rain smashing at our hope and then the wind comes & away it’s hurled. His acts & ways are beyond our scope, blowing with force as our life is swirled about here and there with seeming chance. God has said that He created the destroyer to ruin, but He also said that He will save us, not test us beyond our limit to endure, and if  we trust Him, and are seeking his will He weaves  all things together for our good. But, how good  does it seem when you are clinging to a board from  your destroyed and sinking ship of life. That’s  when faith is tested to either break or endure to  become much much stronger. Kill me, if You will,  but I will still trust You is what God is waiting to  hear, as you go under for the

The Bridge of Forgetfulness

 The Bridge of Forgetfulness     by Danny C. Wash                                                                                                                              As I drive my car across the bridge out of my day and into the night, each problem of the day swirls up like  smoke from a smoldering campfire. The iridescent colors of the trees changing  as I pass, calm my troubling thoughts as a  large egret erupts from the trees and lets her  wings lift her upward from the nest. Like  the bird, the problems of my day also begin  flying from my mind, as I leave the bridge  and drive into my other world, and into the  forgetfulness of the evening, until tomorrow  when they sit there waiting for me to come  back across the bridge into my new day.