Life is Hard but God is Good

 Life is Hard but God is Good                                    

   By Danny C. Wash

Life is hard but God is good.

The strong wind blows trouble

to accomplish what it should;

sometimes His acts are not so subtle

and they explode our comfortable world

with torrential rain smashing at our hope

and then the wind comes & away it’s hurled.

His acts & ways are beyond our scope,

blowing with force as our life is swirled

about here and there with seeming chance.

God has said that He created the destroyer

to ruin, but He also said that He will save us,

not test us beyond our limit to endure, and if 

we trust Him, and are seeking his will He weaves 

all things together for our good. But, how good 

does it seem when you are clinging to a board from 

your destroyed and sinking ship of life. That’s 

when faith is tested to either break or endure to 

become much much stronger. Kill me, if You will, 

but I will still trust You is what God is waiting to 

hear, as you go under for the third time and then 

at the very last moment–a hand reaches down and 

snatches you out of the deep and into His light of 

life and the salvation He promised. What a ride, 

what a life. but then remember this is the life you 

signed up for, or did you? Suffering is at the core

of the Gospel to mold us into mature believers.

Go read the book of Acts in the Bible.

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