The Ancient Mediator

 The Ancient Mediator                                                         

    by Danny C. Wash    

The Ancient Mediator is what he’s called.

After all these years he still stands tall.

Doing his best at resolving cases everyday,

The Ancient One lets nothing stand in his way.

Don’t want to settle for a million you say.

Go stand in the corner and think until you pay.

Believe you can win at trial without delay,

You may be crying in the courtroom someday.

The Old One is the master of doubt & doom for your case.

Think what could happen when you stand in disgrace.

What is that circling your case, is that an Eagle or an Albatross?

Perhaps a jury with a big verdict or is your case out of court to be flung? 

The Ancient One’s work is to arouse in your mind fear & doubt.

What if the jury decides that the Albatross about my neck is to be hung?

Or, how much will I have to pay, if the jury’s verdict is a knockout?

And so, the Ancient Mediator having done his work on your case,

Onward he sails into the next one, eager for his work to embrace.

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