
(On Our Anniversary 8/22/24)

 by Danny C. Wash

It’s been sixty years since we said “I do.”
That’s lots of years & we’re not through.
Many memories we have made of me & you.
Teenagers in love not thinking of the years.
Not worrying about those coming joys or tears.

Soon, a bright shiny baby named Terri did appear.
Where did she come from all pretty & wide-eyed.
And then we remembered about the how and why.
But, when it happened again we thought; oh my,
The stork brought two this time instead of just one.
Jonathan & Merryl, a double delivery well-done.

We said three is enough and we are through.
Of course, we were wrong and our family soon grew,
a little baby girl named Leandra quickly did appear
and we were very pleased and excited to have her here,
a place was made for her in her sister’s room to stay
and they learned about sharing, well perhaps not always. 

Now they’re all grown creating their families & lives.
And our nest is empty and yet we have survived.
Those years seem as days & like leaves in the wind–just flew.
But, it’s been wonderful to have lived with & loved all of you.
The Bible says there is a time to plant & a time to harvest it
and we planted & received a bumper crop you must admit.

Now, what will we do for these next years whether many or few.
We will climb that sunset hill together with my arm around you,
holding on to each other and being like one & not just two.

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