The Day of the Lord

 The Day of the Lord                                

   By Danny C. Wash

The Lord is at the door, He is almost here.

On the seventh day– the third day– He will appear

coming on the clouds of the sky with great glory,

in order to complete the age of the old, old story.

According to the signs we’re in the final seven years.

Let every person read, then count, and concur.

But many important things must still occur

before His final coming to which I refer. 

Prophets of old have longed to see this Day

and they have mourned because of its delay.

But, now the allotted time is ticking away

and we have arrived near the end of the sixth day.

This is the last period until we should see the One we seek.

Out of all these prophecies, how can we be sure we know

the end of the age is winding up its final period of  “weeks.”

The prophet Daniel and the words of Jesus have revealed

these mysteries, that have been hidden and sealed.

The timeline of events has fallen in line with the word

that the prophets of God have said and we have heard.

“Now learn the parable of the fig tree [Israel]; when its 

branch has already become tender, and puts forth its leaves, 

you know that summer is near, even so too, when you see all 

these things, recognize He is near, right at the door...

therefore be on the alert, for you do not know the day 

your Lord is coming,” said Jesus. Matthew 24:32-33,42.

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