The House of God

 The House of God                                    

   By Danny C. Wash

It is a beautiful house, the House of God. But, what 

is the House of God? The House of God, in which God 

dwells, is not a physical structure built by man where you

attend a church. The real House of God is Jesus Christ. 

However, another part of this House is the believers who 

have been placed in Christ by God and are also called the

church and the body of Christ. When Jesus endured the death 

of the cross, then resurrection, and ascent to His throne in Heaven; 

the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the believers at Pentecost and 

His Church was birthed. The believers who received the outpouring 

of the Holy Spirit then began to spread the gospel to others who 

believed and by faith each received the Holy Spirit into their inner 

person, thereby becoming a part of the Church, the House of God- 

Christ’s body on the earth. These are the same people but together as 

a whole are referred to by these three names. But, they are more than 

different names, they are expressing different spiritual realities and 

functions describing Christ as the head in Heaven and the believers 

knitted together with Christ in heaven and us on the earth. The House 

of God is God’s relationship with us through Christ. The Church is the 

believers’ relationship with Christ and each other. The Body is our 

relationship with Christ and His work through the Holy Spirit and us 

believers on the earth. When God sees us, He sees us in his Son, Jesus, 

and then we are acceptable not because of anything we have done or not 

done, but because God is satisfied with Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross, 

which brought God the ability to forgive us and have rest from His holy 

wrath that God justifiably had against the sin of man. That is how God 

can accept us, even though we are imperfect and sinful, because He sees 

us in union with the One He loves immeasurably. Christ’s acceptance by 

God benefits us because we are in Him and His righteousness is attributed 

to us. So, rejoice and abide in Jesus, as He produces His image in us 

through the constant working of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!

Together, we are His house... and the cornerstone is Christ Jesus Himself. 
We are carefully joined together in Him, becoming a holy temple for the Lord. 
Through Him you ... are also being made part of this dwelling where God 
lives by His Spirit.”Ephesians 2:19-22 “We have all been baptized into one 
body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit....All of you together 
are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.”1Corinthians 12: 12, 27

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