God’s Mystery

God’s Mystery                                             
 by Danny C. Wash
The mystery which has been hidden from the past ages
and generations; but has now been manifested to His saints.” Colossians 1:26

What is God’s mystery? 

A mystery is a secret, an unknown thing.

Something that is not easily understood.

But, God’s mystery has now been revealed to 

anyone who will ask, seek, and knock, as Jesus 

has said. God’s mystery is, Christ in you, the hope 

of glory and you complete in Christ. This secret was 

hidden from the past generations before the cross 

and the victory of the resurrection. The demons

did not know the secret, so they participated unknowingly 

in the revealing of the secret by nailing Jesus to the 

cross thinking they had the victory only to be defeated 

on the third day in the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus became 

the Messiah, the Savior, the Christ. And, then it was revealed 

that by God’s act we were placed in Jesus at His death and 

then were raised from the grave in Him to be given His new 

resurrection life. Thereby, our inner persons were taken in

Jesus through the cross and the old was left behind in death and 

we entered the new realm of resurrection eternal life in Christ.

Therefore, when our physical bodies go into death, our

inner person will not die but continues in union with and in 

Christ. Our inner person will be placed in our new resurrection

bodies when Christ returns to the earth in victory and

we will be physically with Him forever and ever.

This is our hope of glory, which is assured by our faith

and the faithfulness of the One in whom we believe.

(See Romans 6:1-13; Galatian 2:20 & Colossians 1: 27-28)

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