The Judgment Seat of Christ Prayer

The Judgment Seat of Christ Prayer

by Danny C. Wash                                                                                            

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of 
Christ, so that each one may receive compensation for 
his deeds done through the body, in accordance with 
what he has done, whether good or bad.” 2Cor. 5:10

O’ Lord Jesus,

In awhile, I know not when.

I will be called to stand before

the judgment seat of Christ, as will all

believers, as I am told by scripture. I do know

that we will not be judged as to  salvation or sins, 

which You have forgiven and saved us by our faith

in you and the cross. But, I know not the result of the 

judgment of my life and work, not for punishment, 

but whether it deserves reward because of its value 

like gold, silver or precious stones or deserves 

disapproval if my work is like wood, hay, or straw, 

which burns up when tested as to whether it was 

within Your will. My prayer is that Your judgment 

of my work on Earth is weighed  through Your mercy 

with the same measure I have been merciful to others 

in this life. Will I be judged to have been poor 

in spirit and not prideful or in judgment of others. 

I also hope that You will find that I was gentle 

and kind, as well as having been hungry and thirsty 

for righteousness. O, Lord, Jesus may your 

judgment find that I was pure in heart for You, 

Your Gospel, and Your will. I hope that I was a

peacemaker and loved my enemies, praying for

those who were evil to me, even when I was 

persecuted for the sake of righteousness and that 

when men reviled me, persecuted me, and said all 

kinds of evil against me on account of You, that I 

will be blessed and be glad for my reward will be 

great. O’ Lord, please bring me through this life 

to Your throne being judged as a mature son and 

approved. But, the reward is not as important to me 

as being with You and in You for ever and ever. Amen.

(See Matthew 5: 1-12)

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