The Dog Days of Summer

 The Dog Days of Summer                

by Danny C. Wash

It’s hot. We are in the Dog Days of Summer
and this year’s summer has been a real bummer.
This year’s dog is not a lap dog but a hotdog
that is hungry and hanging on like a bulldog

who has decided to bite us perhaps until November.
If the rain refuses to fall, then my grass will be embers

from the heat that has turned my yard into shambles
and with little rain or water I have bushes of brambles.

The thirsty and hungry squirrels and other pests
have raided my pot plants for their nightly food fests.

But if I patiently wait for the colder weather and the snow
until the deep freeze weather when nothing will grow,

I can then watch my remaining plants suffer the final blow.
The good side of this mess is next year I will have nothing to mow.

except the weeds which cannot be killed, even by a nuclear blast.
They enjoy the heat & no water which makes them grow real fast.
This is the end of this sad sad story & you may now say,“at last.”

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