A Prayer of Praise for Deliverance From Darkness

 A Prayer of Praise for Deliverance From Darkness

   by Danny C. Wash


"The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great light and those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death, upon them a light dawned." 
Matthew 4:16

O’ Lord Jesus,

Even when the power of the evil one’s darkness of sin 

and death covered our eyes like scales blocking out

the light and with the cords of death tangling our feet

and with doubts and accusations plaguing our mind, 

Your light cut through the darkness like a bolt of lightning 

piercing the night sky with Your light shining upon the path 

to deliverance and truth of Your salvation, which is the cross 

and the victory won there. Your light created our faith in Your 

promises, Your faithfulness, Your truth which caused the scales 

over our eyes to fall away when Your mighty hand reached into 

our pit of despair and grasped our hand, lifting us up and out

into Your light and Your salvation of our entire body, soul, and spirit.

Thank you and praise to Your Holy name, now and forevermore. 


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