The Door

The Door                                                                                                            

by Danny C. Wash

“I am the door. If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will come in and go out, and find pasture.” John 10:9

“So Jesus said again, “I tell you the solemn truth, I am the door 
for the sheep.” John 10:7

Jesus proclaimed that He was the entrance, the door.

Of what door was He speaking and entrance to where?

A door is there to keep something in or out and more.

It also is placed to keep danger and perils out of there.

The Bible verses show us that Jesus was caring for

the sheep and they were a symbol of His saved ones.

Jesus was speaking about those wanting Him to save

them and bring into the Kingdom of God to become sons

of God and to whom through Jesus eternal life He gave.

We are told God placed the believers “in Christ” to save

and this would mean the way we enter the Kingdom is by

being carried in through being in Christ by God’s grace,

who is taking us into the Kingdom and on whom we rely.

Jesus carried in His body on the cross the whole human race

into death, but only those believing in Christ into resurrection.

Those who will not believe in faith that Christ is the only door

and His death and resurrection will bring them into His election

will be excluded and cannot enter into the Kingdom forevermore.

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