Man of Sorrows

Man of Sorrows                                        

 by Danny C. Wash

“He is despised and rejected by men,
a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
...Surely He has borne our griefs and carried 
our sorrows...” Isaiah 53: 3-4

Man of Sorrows bearing our grief

day after day without any relief.

He moved through life in suffering

and sorrow to become the covering

for all of the sin rooted inside our soul, 

keeping us all from ever being whole.

The evil in us by being “in Adam” as our portion

of the human race resulted in a great distortion

of our entire human body and soul, committing sin

against God and our fellow man, until we are cleansed

from it through the Man of Sorrows suffering the cross,

so that God could righteously save us from great loss.

He laid down His life and breathed His last breath

as us and for us in the final suffering of His death

for the worst and most evil humans, as well as the best.

As the Bible says, “all we like sheep have gone astray.”

Not only the worst evildoers but the best have lost their way.

The sin principle from Adam, made our “old man” have to die

in Christ at the time He died by being placed there by 

God at the moment of Jesus’ death.  When Jesus was

raised from the dead, we were raised in Christ because

He became the “Last Adam” giving birth to us as a new race 

of people in our spirits. We were reborn in Him in place

of the former life of being prisoners of sin and strife. 

This happened when Jesus died and received resurrection life,

but it can only include us if we believe in faith that it is true

and then it becomes a reality in the here and now for you.

(Note: If you want to be sure this is true, read Romans 6: 3-11,

Romans 5: 14-21, and Galatians 2:20)

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