Days in the Shade

Days in the Shade                                                   

 by Danny C. Wash                                                                                            

Shade, shade, wonderful shade

on a hot day in a lawn chair with lemonade.

An oak tree or an elm tree will do just fine

as long as it blocks the sun it can even be pine.

The tree absorbs the rays of the hot summer sun

while we rest under it just having some fun.

The children are playing on the green grassy glade,

while dogs are barking at a cow who is unafraid

as she stands at the edge of the grass eating clover.

The kids are playing the old game called red rover.

They yell,“Red rover, red rover let Mat come over.”

As the day lazies away, we snooze and snore and little more

thinking of things we should do but will probably ignore.

The sun is drifting down below the trees as darkness grows.

The cooler summer evening breeze gently blows

away the heat from the day, as we watch some crows

fly into the darkening sky to where, no one knows.

We gather our gear and begin to trudge toward the gate

to our yard from the meadow below, knowing it is late

and the children are ready for a bath and to be fed,

beg from us a bedtime story, then head upstairs for bed.

Days in the shade like today are a splendid treasure

and are joyful loving memories beyond all measure.

Shade, shade wonderful shade, what a great pleasure.


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