The Old Oak and the Sparrow

The Old Oak and the Sparrow
by Danny C. Wash

The small sparrow found a nesting home in an oak tree.

The nest was in one of the many small holes in the old tree.

The old oak, as everyone called it, was more than 400 years old.

It began as an acorn hidden in the ground planted by a squirrel

in a forest as part of its many acorns and pecans hidden away for

the winter. As the old tree was but a small sprout and growing, the

Mayflower had just landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620. The tree grew

larger and was still in a dense forest when the American Revolution

occurred in 1776. The tree stood and grew in its place in a forest as the

nation expanded around it and as the dense forest was slowly cut down

for progress, until now it stands on a street in a town in a yard of a house

of a family, who cherishes the old oak tree for its great size and beauty.

The tiny sparrow is just one of many animals and birds who live in it.

In its lower limbs and branches is a tree house built by the residents of

the house for their three kids who play in the tree where the sparrow lives.

It’s upper limbs stretch to a height of over sixty feet into the sky. Life is

big and small, tall and short, long and quick. The old oak has had life in

it for over 400 years but the sparrow will only have life in it for perhaps

three short years. The world is an amazing mixture of lives lived; some

long, some short, some small, some big, but all share the same world,

created by the same God, who released different forms of life into all for His

pleasure and for His love to be expressed in His beautiful and varied creation.

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