The Holy Trinity in One

The Holy Trinity in One
 by Danny C. Wash                                                

"Then God said, 'let Us make man in Our image,
according to Our likeness...'" Genesis 1:26

God, the Holy Trinity--The Father, the Son

and the Holy Spirit, each one distinct, yet not 

separate, are connected by love in a divine unification 

as one in a triangle of perfection. God, the Father’s goal 

in His economy is to dispense Himself into the Son and

through the Holy Spirit into His people. God the Father

is the source of all divine life and the fountain of living

water, God the Son is the expression of divine life

and the spring of living water, and God the Spirit is the

essence of divine life and the dispenser of the living water

into His people. God the Father has placed His fullness in 

the Son. Through the Son, all things in Heaven and Earth were

created and are held together in Him. The Trinity, though each

being distinct, always move as one in their actions. Their actions

are joint and never taken independently of each other. Through the 

Father, Son and the Spirit; the God-man, Jesus, came into existence

in an earthly body of flesh in sinless perfection, that through

His death and resurrection, all who believe are reconciled to 

the Trinity of God and are presented by God the Spirit  

to God the Son, and then to God the Father as holy, blameless,

and beyond reproach.  God has placed the idea of trinity in each

person, as the rule of three. We each  have a body, soul, and 

spirit. Our spirit has intuition, conscience, and communion with God. 

Our soul has the mind, the will, and our emotions. The rule of three is 

spread in nature and us throughout our life in our thought and speech.

Morning, noon, and night. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Faith, hope, 

and charity; and it goes on and on and on. But, if something is one, 

then how can it be three? Well, you see, one team can have many players.

One car has many parts. One body has many members. It is difficult 

to fairly and accurately explain the Trinity. We try, but humans, and our 

language, still fall short of a complete explanation of the Trinity. It is the 

divine mystery dwelling in an eternal enigma. One day we will all have this 

mystery opened to us clearly in our resurrection eternal bodies. As Paul, 

the Apostle said, “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face 

to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

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