Down the Road (A Song)

Down the Road (A Song)
by Danny C. Wash

It’s time to go; It’s time to go.
Where we are going, we do not know.
Down the road we let it flow.
Down the road for a day or so.

The sun is above and the skies are clear,
away we go on the road without fear.
Down the road we let it flow.
Down the road for a day or so.

Making good time on this road to anywhere,
we’re singing a song with the wind in our hair.
Down the road we let it flow.
Down the road for a day or so.

The day is whizzing by as we drive so fast,
wondering how much longer this fun can last.
Down the road we let it flow.
Down the road for a day or so.

Sunset is ahead as we slow our car.
I think we have maybe gone too far.
Down the road we let it flow.
Down the road no further we go.

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