The Day Santa Died

The Day Santa Died                                
by Danny C. Wash

It was a dark day in December 1955;

the day my mother broke the news to me.

“Santa is dead,” she said. Well, perhaps I

remember it wrong. Maybe she didn’t say

“Santa is dead.” But whatever she said,

I knew that the jolly old elf had expired.

He was no more. He was gone forever,

so he might as well have died. Santa was

now dead in my mind. For awhile, I had suspected

something was amiss with the old bearded fat man.

Dreaded thoughts slipped into my mind as to

Santa’s health, but I didn’t want to face any realities

along that line because of the loss of Santa’s faithful

gift giving. I can remember the day I heard the news,

like it was yesterday. My mother was hanging sheets

on the clothesline. She brought up the subject

of Santa Claus and I thought, “uh, oh” here it

comes. And boy did it come, when the words

left her mouth and Santa died right then and there.

It was over, I had exited from the Santa Claus

world to the cold hard world of Santa Claus reality.

But, as I thought about it, I came to realize that I

would now be able to look at those little innocent kids,

who were still victims of the great Santa Claus fraud

and laugh; the little fools. I was no longer an innocent.

I was now moving into reality world and the world of

things like, “The Big Lie.” Well, pardon me, but wasn’t

the story of the red-suited fat man, who brought gifts to

all the children in one night, a big lie? Okay, it was a

harmless fun lie to entertain our kids; but really, it wasn’t

exactly the truth, was it? Santa Claus was the biggest

“Big Lie,” wasn’t he. So, I end this sad story with this sad song:

“There goes Santa Claus, there goes Santa Claus, right down Santa Claus Lane

Vixen and Blitzen hooked to the hearse are pulling on the reins

Bells are ringing, children singing a sad song with all their might

So remove your stockings and say your prayers, 'cause Santa’s not coming tonight.”

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