The Cup of Bitterness

 The Cup of Bitterness                                         
 by Danny C. Wash

I invited one in who I thought was a friend.

We sat at table to enjoy the meal and to talk.

We ate our meal together in apparent harmony.

But, the one was most false and not true.

A lie was found in him and corruption inside

was discovered. Betrayal was in his heart.

Mammon led him astray and he did follow.

At the end of the meal I was left alone with

the deep and dark cup of bitterness to drink.

The one’s price was mammon’s brief reward.

And, I was left with only betrayal for which

I must endure & drink it’s evil bitterness

to the bottom of the cup, which is most foul;

drink it down from this false one so that

I may be free of it and live on much wiser

from the pain and sadness of the suffering.

Only love & grace from above can give the

strength to endure the drinking of this cup, so 

that bitterness be transformed to the sweetness 

of that love from above for others as life goes on.

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