The First Tree in Eden

The First Tree in Eden                                                                    

by Danny C. Wash

I am so tired thought the tree
These leaves are killing me.
I’ve carried this load much too long
And I need now to be most free
Wait, what is this, one leaf fell
And now another has dropped from me
What is happening I cannot tell 
But, I think there is a trend
My limbs are beginning to unbend
Freedom is in the air
And now my shape is not so fair
Leaves, leaves all of gold 
On the ground and in the air
Wait, it’s getting very cold
And my limbs are looking bare
Without the cover of the leaves out there
And, anyway I am going to sleep
As my roots are covered now by snow so deep
But after a great while I feel something rising in me
Up, up it comes from down below
Out from underneath the melting snow
And causing buds on my limbs to show
I feel the warm air causing them to grow
My lovely leaves are coming out that I now love so
Welcome back and do not again soon go
Green leaves on the limbs I know.

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