The Pit

 The Pit                                                

   by Danny C. Wash

(From the pit of despair)
Oh, guilty sinner trapped in the pit of despair, as a
prisoner of your devilish thoughts, lusts, and fears;
crying in misery & grief.

Your dancing & merriment is over, the music has ended, 
the band has gone home and you are alone. The weight of
your sin is great and the thought of death 
and judgment
is real. You say you want to die but are afraid 
of what
is next. Your guilty conscience haunts you every 
& the memory of all those you have betrayed & hurt plagues 
you like a dread disease eating your flesh and your mind.
The time of reckoning is near.

You weep over the misery of your wasted life.
The cup of your evil is full to the brim & is ready
for you to drink down to the dregs. You cry over
the great betrayals of those who trusted you and the 
memory of those who you abandoned for your own 
pleasure, eats at your soul and mind. You dream of 
the darkness of death and its evil breath haunts your 
sleep. You ask, what or who,can relieve this great 
aching dread and hatred of yourself. The devil offers 
you alcohol and drugs. But...

Look up, look up from the pit, for the God, who knows 
every cell in your body & the exact number of the hairs of your 
head, Who knows every thought you ever had and has seen every 
sin you have ever done or even thought about, who loves you enough 
that He is reaching down into your pit by having sent His Son, Jesus 
to save you. Jesus, to rescue you, laid aside His position in Heaven, 
lowered Himself to become a human being like you, but without the 
rebellious sin principle in mankind. He was born on earth of a woman 
and lived as a human in complete obedience to God. He was unjustly 
accused and was sentenced to death on a cross. But, He came for this, 
to die for your sins by taking your place in the punishment and death 
you justly deserve because He is the Son of God and the only one in 
the universe who was qualified to accomplish this purpose. Jesus 
voluntarily took your place on the cross to die a sinner’s death in order 
to pay your debt of sin and receive for you, and in your place, your just 
punishment of death. He was buried & then came back to life by the 
power of God, in order to give you His eternal righteousness & life. 
He waits for you to receive Him and the forgiveness of all of your sins 
and shortcomings. His word in the Bible says that, even though your 
sins are red as scarlet, they will be white as snow. Your sins, and all 
the sins of all the world, have been washed in the innocent blood of 
Jesus spilled on the cross, but this is only effective for those who receive 
this forgiveness and eternal life by faith that it has happened as He said. 
God is the One who you have sinned against and it is just, that He forgives 
you because of the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus, as your substitute. 
God says that He will not even remember your sins, and none of them
will be held against you in judgment. None of this is because of anything you 
have done, or will do; but, because of His great grace and love for you and the 
faithfulness of Jesus to take them upon Himself in your place and die for them, 
in your place.

Meditate on these verses from the Bible in Lamentations 3:
“I called on your name, O Lord,
    from the depths of the pit;
 you heard my plea, ‘Do not close
    your ear to my cry for help!’
 You came near when I called on you;
    you said, ‘Do not fear!’"
God’s Holy Spirit is the One who is showing you the way to Jesus & drawing 
you to Him. Jesus is the One who has been given by God the right and power 
of forgiveness and He holds it out to you for you to receive. Change your mind 
about all of this, embrace Jesus in dependence on Him alone for salvation, and 
receive it by faith. Be forgiven and lifted from the pit of despair to the freedom 
of life in Christ Jesus, Lord of the universe. Forgiven, what a wonderful word.

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