Father’s Day Fatherly Advice

 Father’s Day Fatherly Advice                              
        by Danny C. Wash                                                                                                                                                                        

We are celebrating Father’s Day,
Some of us have a father that is gone 
because of passing on to meet his 
Heavenly Father.
Some are absent because they left for 
whatever reason. 
Some are absent because they never even showed up.
Some people have aching hearts because of this absence for whatever reason it occurred.

A father, or father-figure, is important as it influences a child’s view of love, discipline, security, protection, honor, work, morals, selflessness, and of God, the Heavenly Father.

Little boys, especially need that father hero example of bravery, leadership, and steadiness. The foundation of their sons being good fathers is laid by the example of the father and the model of how they should treat a woman by how the father treats the son’s mother.
Little boys derive their sense of their place in the world through their fathers- “my father can beat your father” is a familiar brag of young boys.

Little girls, especially need their father’s love, gentleness, protection, security, and example of how a woman should be treated by how her father treats her mother and her. The good father shows his daughter what she should expect in a mate. She should be able to receive proper and appropriate male affection from her father and then see how that is modeled by the father to the mother.

But, of course, the good father is in the eye of the beholder. A generous eye sees a good father in an imperfect man. A critical eye sees, even in a good man, an imperfect father. Also, our memories of our father are usually affected by the mists of time, our outlook on life, and accuracy of memory.

As a grandfather, I would say to young fathers, do your best, lay down your desires in life for your family, expect nothing in return for doing what is your responsibility and job; be patient, kind, gentle (especially in discipline), and give more love than you get.
Oh, since what I just said is very hard to do, ask and depend on your Heavenly Father for grace and power to do those things, keeping in mind that mistakes will be made. Your reward will be when your children “fly away” to take their place in the world and are happy. And, God willing, you may receive the gift of grandchildren. Also, goodness is its own reward.

Mothers, I know you are very important in all this too, but it’s not your day, until next year.

The above photo is of my father, who has passed on, and me, when I was about ten with him pointing the way. “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6)

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