Guns, Guns, Guns

Guns, Guns, Guns

    by Danny C. Wash

Guns, guns, guns, give us our guns.
We love to hold them because it is so fun.
We need them to protect me and mine
and to give even one up, we must decline.
Ban our right to a gun used for war,
who the heck do you think you are.
We need many more guns because, 
what if they were to pass some gun laws.
Who are they to limit in any way our right,
for amendment number two we will fight
We must bow our knee at that altar
even though others lives it may falter.
Our rights are precious & they must stay
no matter the results, let come what may.
Wait, the vial of destruction has been released
upon our nation and this dark & deadly beast
is killing & upon all in this land it may feast.
Cry, cry, moan and weep, for the next meal
may be us & ours, then how will we feel? 
No, say we, “this cannot happen to us 
for, we are special and in God we do trust.”
That we may do, but this is the God that came
and laid down all His rights for us He might claim.
He did this for all & we are called to do the same
We must consider others rights as we do our own
For our God weeps for the death that has been sown.
How great a deception if we believe only what we want to see
God expects us to examine everything by His Spirit & be free.
How shall we escape if we ignore what God has warned,
then are caught in the trap of the evil one & in many pieces torn.

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