The Throne of Grace

The Throne of Grace       

by Danny C. Wash

        Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4: 14-16

I had a dream of Heaven where Jesus Christ sat on His throne of grace. I was a young boy observing the people coming in their spirits through prayer into the presence of their high priest, Jesus, seeking His mercy and grace to help them in their time of need.  Some would come begging and crawling on their hands and knees groaning about their sin and unworthiness asking for help from Jesus.

However, before the people could enter the throne room, an angel stood in the doorway to question the person seeking entry.  The angel would ask, “what is your confession that you are to hold fast to?” Most people would begin to confess their sins but the angel would refuse to allow them to enter and would tell them to return when they knew what was the “confession” he was seeking from them. 

In front of the throne of grace was a large basin that contained the mercy and beyond that another basin at the feet of Jesus that contained the grace. The mercy basin was large and deep and the mercy in it was golden like honey. 

Finally, I came to the angel crying about my sick mother and wanting to gain mercy and grace for her. The angel asked me what was my confession. Having observed the failures of the previous people, I thought and said, “Jesus is my Lord and will not deny me mercy and grace if I ask in confidence, according to His word.” I was amazed as the angel stood aside and said “enter.” I walked confidently toward the mercy basin and bowed before Jesus. Jesus asked, “what is your need, child?” I said, “my mother is dying with cancer.”  Jesus said, “I know child, I have heard her prayers but it is near her time on earth.” I said,“my little sister needs her and You say that I can come with confidence to this throne of grace to help in time of need and here I am.” Jesus said, “thank you for your faith in Me, take a few drops of mercy from the basin, which allows you to approach the basin of grace at my feet.”

Now, the basin of grace is different from the basin of mercy. The basin of grace contained a red liquid. Jesus told me that the mercy was what allowed me to be able to take the grace.  Grace is powerful, as it gives the desire to do God’s will and also the power of God to accomplish His will. The grace in the basin is some of Jesus’ blood He shed on the cross and transmits God’s power into the situations it encounters. Before I reached into the basin to take some of the blood, I asked Jesus how I could take it because I had no container to hold it. Jesus said, “come up here and hold my hand and kiss my cheek and I will tell you about the container to use to take it.” I did as I was told, still with my confidence. I took the hand of Jesus and felt the scars in the palm of His hand from the nails of the cross. I kissed Jesus’ cheek and then Jesus whispered in my ear, “I love you. Don’t you know that you are the container by your faith to take the blood to your mother.”

I climbed down but not before whispering to Him that I loved Him. Jesus handed me a small golden spoon to dip in the basin of grace.  I took the spoon and dipped some of the blood and drank it down remembering where it had come from and what it had cost Him.

I left the throne room and returned to my mother. I went to her bed and kneeled beside her. I prayed to the Lord, laying my hand on her forehead.  I could feel the healing power of Jesus leave me and enter her body.  She was immediately healed from her disease. She jumped out of her bed and began to leap and praise the Lord.

I then woke up and remembered the Bible verses in Hebrews chapter 4 about the throne of grace and thanked the Lord for this lesson about His love, mercy, and grace.

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