Fruit of the Spirit

Fruit of the Spirit 

  by Danny C. Wash 


“...the fruit of the [Holy] Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, 

kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control...” 

Galatians 5:22-23

In a dream, I saw in my soul in the inner part of me,

there had been planted in that place by God a small tree

which had shiny green leaves that were beautiful to see.

This tree with luxurious leaves had been placed in my heart 

with roots that intertwine with the Holy Spirit in that inner part.

The leaves received bright and enriching light from God’s Son

Who sits in Heaven at the right hand of God, the Holy One.

As the Holy Spirit reigns on and over the leaves of the tree 

the roots are watered and then fed by God’s word in me

which provides the nourishment needed by the Spirit to grow 

on this tree fruits of the Spirit in their season, the fruits we know

as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness, self control, all of which fruits are meant to bless.

The fruits of each branch are different and give not the same reward

but all are from the One source in Heaven, Jesus our Lord.

The fruits are spiritual, not physical, the first three being for me

and the last six fruits are for your benefit and toward thee.

Also, I saw the tree buffeted and battered by the wind and storms

that blow against the fruit tree shaking the limbs but to no harm.

It caused the roots to deepen and limbs to become like strong arms.

At the end of the dream I could finally see that the fruit and the tree

that God is growing in my heart were producing the image of Jesus in me.

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