

 by Danny C. Wash

Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord, 

though your sins are as scarlet, they will be white as snow; 

though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool.” 

Isaiah 1:18

Forgive yourself from past mistakes for Heaven’s sake.

God has done that in His mercy if you will only take

His grace and by confession of your sin to Him you make.

Then, He is faithful and just to cleanse you from all sin.

How can that be you say, my sin is too great for me to win

such a thing as forgiveness and freedom from all this din

of accusing thoughts of my past deeds and many sins.

You are right to wonder at this great love He did enact

But it was not you at all that earned this great fact

It was God in Jesus, who came to take this great act

as a shepherd would search for His sheep that are lost.

He was the One who laid down His life on the cross

to keep you from great punishment and eternal loss

as the just reward for your sins and awful dross.

Who can stand and accuse God of fault when He came

and suffered the punishments and pains of life, nothing less

even though He was undeserving of any wrong or blame.

Foolishness, some may say. To many the cross is foolishness.

But to those who believe it is the salvation for which He came.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son

that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life won,

which includes the undeserved forgiveness of all your sin.

Knowing this, forgive yourself and inner peace you will also win.

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