My Old Friend

My Old Friend 
  by Danny C. Wash                                           

I had a dream last night

It was a dream about an old friend.

A friend that is gone but not forgotten.

I saw him standing there as before

And, I gave him a big hug

A good hug, an old hug, as before

He looked back at me as we embraced

But I could not make out his face

Yet, it was a good hug, an old hug, as before

I then saw him on a path with me

It was a good path, an old path, as before

He looked at me on the path but his face I still could not see

We walked until it forked to the right and the left

He went one way and I the other, and

He was gone and I was left all by myself

I walked for days on this path and was so bereft

Until the paths ended and joined together

The paths to the right and to the left

I rejoined my friend and gave him a hug

A good hug, an old hug, as before

I realized that in this place at the end of the path

is a good place, a new place, but not as before.

And now I could see his face

An old face, yet a new face, and not as before.

His face was shining like the sun

And his smile was like a peaceful seashore

which made me glad we were together like one

My good friend, my old friend, and forevermore.

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