
Showing posts from October, 2023

The House of God

 The House of God                                                 By Danny C. Wash It is a beautiful house, the House of God. But, what  is the House of God? The House of God, in which God  dwells, is not a physical structure built by man where you attend a church. The real House of God is Jesus Christ.  However, another part of this House is the believers who  have been placed in Christ by God and are also called the church and the body of Christ. When Jesus endured the death  of the cross, then resurrection, and ascent to His throne in Heaven;  the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the believers at Pentecost and  His Church was birthed. The believers who received the outpouring  of the Holy Spirit then began to spread the gospel to others who  believed and by faith each received the Holy Spirit into their inner  person, thereby becoming a part of the Church, the House of God-  Christ’s body on the earth. These are the same people but together as  a whole are referred to by these three

God’s Mystery

God’s Mystery                                                           by Danny C. Wash                                                  “ The mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations; but has now been manifested to  His saints.” Colossians 1:26 What is God’s mystery?  A mystery is a secret, an unknown thing. Something that is not easily understood. But, God’s mystery has now been revealed to  anyone who will ask, seek, and knock, as Jesus  has said. God’s mystery is, Christ in you, the hope  of glory and you complete in Christ. This secret was  hidden from the past generations before the cross  and the victory of the resurrection. The demons did not know the secret, so they participated unknowingly  in the revealing of the secret by nailing Jesus to the  cross thinking they had the victory only to be defeated  on the third day in the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus became  the Messiah, the Savior, the Christ. And, then it was revealed  that by God’s act we were p

The Lord Is Very Near

  The Lord Is Very Near                                         by Danny C. Wash "Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:13 The Lord is very near, so we should have no fear. He loves and cares for us so we should in Him trust. He redeemed us from sin’s hold, so we are free and  can  be bold in Him to carry us to victory through our life’s many mysteries and to someday stand before His throne, without blame in His merit & name alone.