A Prayer to the Lord of the Harvest

 A Prayer to the Lord of the Harvest

      by Danny C. Wash                                                                                                            

“...Lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they
are already white for harvest.” John 4:35
 “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; 
therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out 
laborers into His harvest.” Luke 10:2

O, Lord Jesus, You have proclaimed that the harvest

is great and that we are to pray for You to cause the

laborers to come forth into the fields that are ready to 

be harvested. We know that You  mean the harvest of

souls of people that are ripe in the field of the world and 

You are preparing to join with our prayers and send forth 

the workers to harvest them into the Kingdom of God, by

using the scythe of the Word of the Gospel. Thank You,

O Lord Jesus for having sent other workers to sow the 

seed of the word of life into good soil.  We pray that the 

sunlight of the Gospel of salvation will shine into the hearts

of those sown and the reign of the Holy Spirit will fall onto them

 and their inner person will grow to the place of ripeness and

 openness, so that they are ready to believe in faith in the Gospel

 and resurrection life will enter their heart through the Holy

 Spirit, who will join with their spark of faith and they will be

 saved and brought into the harvest barn of the Church of Jesus

 Christ. O Lord, we ask this in Your name. Amen.

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