The Long Road Home

 The Long Road Home

   by Danny C. Wash

It’s a long road home, as they say,

especially if you have lost your way

and while wandering went far astray.

He  jumped out of the nest and flew away

upward into the clouds as high as he could fly,

until he hit that storm and fell from the sky.

Down he went round & round toward the ground, 

when he hit bottom it made not a small sound.

No matter how much he was warned of danger,

he knew more than all of them, except that stranger.

The one who promised him fame and fortune,

but led him only to deception and misfortune. 

When he came to himself & realized his condition,

he knew that he was in a very dangerous position.

So he hit the long road back home to start over,

to make amends, right the wrongs, & live slower.

To not fly before learning how to walk rightly.

To only move forward carefully and gently,

continually living peacefully with offense to none.

And to walk only by faith in the One, God’s Son.

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