
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Holy Trinity in One

The Holy Trinity in One  by Danny C. Wash                                                             "Then God said, 'let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness...'" Genesis 1:26 God, the Holy Trinity--The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, each one distinct, yet not  separate, are connected by love in a divine unification  as one in a triangle of perfection. God, the Father’s goal  in His economy is to dispense Himself into the Son and through the Holy Spirit into His people. God the Father is the source of all divine life and the fountain of living water, God the Son is the expression of divine life and the spring of living water, and God the Spirit is the essence of divine life and the dispenser of the living water into His people. God the Father has placed His fullness in  the Son. Through the Son, all things in Heaven and Earth were created and are held together in Him. The Trinity, though each being distinct, always move as one in their actions.

A Valentine Poem in the Old Style

A Valentine Poem in the Old Style    by Danny C. Wash                                                On Valentine’s day, what cannot be said yet needs to be said that hides beyond tongue or expression about the one who is loved, still must somehow arise from the heart into sound. But, how can such words be arranged, be uttered in a manner of understanding; words fail one’s true feelings and depth of love for the one of our affection. Deep emotions of the heart locked inside, unable to be loosed in words to the one who waits for these earnest feelings to be set free with, at least, the three little words, “I love thee.” But, this simple poem comes from one’s heart to be a small release of these feelings from deep within me .

The Healing Sun

The Healing Sun   by Danny C. Wash                                     “ But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings.” Malachi 4:2. The morning sun shines so bright it opens our eyes and so enters the light Light opens not just the eye, but the soul exposing darkness in order to make whole. The noonday sun is a ball of flame blazing down causing us much pain. Burning, burning what it may find cleansing faults of which we were blind. The evening sun in its final balm of light will bring soft rays that are not so bright but soothe our wounds from the day’s hot sun granting us joy now that the healing is done.

The Old Oak and the Sparrow

The Old Oak and the Sparrow by Danny C. Wash The small sparrow found a nesting home in an oak tree. The nest was in one of the many small holes in the old tree. The old oak, as everyone called it, was more than 400 years old. It began as an acorn hidden in the ground planted by a squirrel in a forest as part of its many acorns and pecans hidden away for the winter. As the old tree was but a small sprout and growing, the Mayflower had just landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620. The tree grew larger and was still in a dense forest when the American Revolution occurred in 1776. The tree stood and grew in its place in a forest as the nation expanded around it and as the dense forest was slowly cut down for progress, until now it stands on a street in a town in a yard of a house of a family, who cherishes the old oak tree for its great size and beauty. The tiny sparrow is just one of many animals and birds who live in it. In its lower limbs and branches is a tree house built by the residents of t