The Perfect Day

 The Perfect Day
   By Danny C. Wash

Yesterday was a perfect day because everything was the same.

Yesterday began with me arising at the same time as always.

I took a shower and then tried to make my face and head look acceptable.

I dressed in the same boring clothes, I alternatively wear day after perfect day.

I brewed a cup of coffee and fed the dogs, who did what they always do.

Out they went to do their tasks in the back yard before returning to sleep more.

I read the paper to see who I knew may have passed on to the great beyond and

who may have excelled or found themselves in some sort of trouble.

I got in the car, placed the key in the ignition, and started the engine; as usual.

And away I went to my office where I perform the same tasks everyday. 

After a day at my work doing the same boring and plain tasks daily, I

returned to my car, placed the key in the ignition, and it started just like

the hundreds of days before. I drove the same route home by which I came.

I pulled into the garage, turned off the key, walked to the door and unlocked it.

I greeted my wife and dogs and prepared to have a dinner meal. It was not the

same, but nearly the same meal I had the evening before and the one before that.

I read some and watched television until bedtime; did my usual routine and got into bed.

Asleep in ten minutes and then its morning to start all over. I can’t believe I am

this blessed and fortunate to have the same boring groundhog day after boring day.

Have you made it this far into this story? Are you bored to death? Boring is

my thing and I like life to be boring, no surprises, no changes, do not upset the

apple cart, as the saying goes. Sameness is okay with me. Who moved my chair?

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