
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Day Santa Died

The Day Santa Died                                         by Danny C. Wash It was a dark day in December 1955; the day my mother broke the news to me. “Santa is dead,” she said. Well, perhaps I remember it wrong. Maybe she didn’t say “Santa is dead.” But whatever she said, I knew that the jolly old elf had expired. He was no more. He was gone forever, so he might as well have died. Santa was now dead in my mind. For awhile, I had suspected something was amiss with the old bearded fat man. Dreaded thoughts slipped into my mind as to Santa’s health, but I didn’t want to face any realities along that line because of the loss of Santa’s faithful gift giving. I can remember the day I heard the news, like it was yesterday. My mother was hanging sheets on the clothesline. She brought up the subject of Santa Claus and I thought, “uh, oh” here it comes. And boy did it come, when the words left her mouth and Santa died right then and there. It was over, I had exited from the Santa Claus world t

Junk in the Trunk

Junk in the Trunk                                                                                 by Danny C. Wash Who put all this junk in my trunk? What can I do with all this stuff? This is just really a bunch of bunk. I have had just about enough. Who was the person who made this mess? The trunk of my car is not made for trash; whoever did this just needs to confess and clean this crap out of there in a flash. I think I know who loaded my trunk with this trash. I saw my brother hanging around my automobile; he saw me coming to my car & he ran away in a dash. I shouted to him as he ran, “you did it, you little heel. " I might as well clean up the big mess he has made, but what can I do with all of this junk and trash? I know how, I can turn this lemon into lemonade. I will have a trunk sale & turn his junk into my cash.

Why The Weeping Willow Weeps

Why The Weeping Willow Weeps                                            By Danny C. Wash           A small palm tree by the river communicated with the weeping willow next to it through their roots deep in the ground, as trees do with each other. It asked the weeping willow why its leaves drooped toward the ground and why it was crying. The weeping willow replied, “In the beginning of the world, the Great Creator, who made everything, called my original ancestor a majestic tree in His book of life. My ancestor was the tree of life, the Creator planted in very center of  Eden and its limbs stood strong and tall loaded with the delicious fruit of eternal life on them. When Adam rejected the fruit of the tree of life and chose the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, my ancestor’s limbs went limp, fell downward, and then the tree began to weep and cry like me, so that his limbs and precious fruit started falling to the ground and left forever. The Great Creato