No Sleep for Me

No Sleep for Me                                            
   by Danny C. Wash

It is the darkest part of the night

when the worrisome thoughts appear

and in my bed try, try as I might

the fears, they will not disappear.

What is that clicking noise so strange

could it be that old kitchen range

or something worse like an evil rat.

My mind is whirling like Casey at the bat.

Did I pay the last electric and water bill

or will the tub to bathe in the morning not fill?

Why did I agree to take the job at that store,

when I knew that I can’t work well anymore.

My mind from all this oppression is such a mess

from thinking about all this I must confess.

Tick, tick, tick the old hall clock will not hurry

to the morning when I will arise to the flurry

of kids & breakfast and no more worrisome thoughts.

But back to now & why can’t I get some much needed sleep?

I know, I will use the tried and true remedy of counting sheep.

One, two, three, four, five, seven; wait I think I’ve lost count.

Maybe I will go in the kitchen & balance my bank account,

but that won’t work; I will then worry about having no money.

You are probably laughing at this silliness but it’s not funny.

Hurry morning to the moment it’s sunny & the kids are all fed

and then bleary-eyed and tired I will want to return to my bed.

At my job, I may fall asleep & perhaps snore with a loud sound.

My boss will hear me as I am finally sleeping & I will be found

and then he will fire me for sleeping & I will have no job or pay.

But then my problems will be solved because I can sleep all day.

Problems solved and I am now asle...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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