Call Upon the Name of the Lord (A Sinner’s Prayer)

 Call Upon the Name of the Lord (A Sinner’s Prayer)

    by Danny C. Wash                                                                                                

O Lord Jesus, O Lord Jesus, My soul

cries out to You to be rescued by

Your mercy and grace. My soul is troubled.

It is disturbed. I have no rest. My heart is turned over.

I have sinned. I have erred. My guilty thoughts 

and accusations are like ravens cawing and circling 

around my head. I have fallen short of Your laws and 

principles. My conscience is troubled, disturbed by my deeds.

Should I have to appear now before Your judgment

seat, I would be judged as wanting and sinful. My heart

seems far from You and I cannot see You. O Lord 

Jesus save me for Your word says that, “whoever calls 

upon the name of the Lord will be saved.” O Lord,

am I not within the group of the “whoever” sinners? May I be

removed from the presence of the devil and my own

selfish flesh, lustful thoughts and desires; from my lack

of righteousness and the chasm between God and me 

because of my depraved nature of sin and sinfulness. Because 

I am sinful to the core of my being, I deserve to be cast into the 

deepest recesses of hell to suffer forever. I cry unto You with my 

face in the dirt admitting that is where I belong. I repent of my sin 

and self-centeredness and beg your forgiveness. Your word comes

to me from the Bible in Lamentations,

“I called on your name, O Lord,

    from the depths of the pit;

 you heard my plea, ‘Do not close

    your ear to my cry for help!’

 You came near when I called on you;

    you said, ‘Do not fear!’"

O Lord Jesus, Your word tells me that You came to earth to live as one

of us in order to receive my punishment for my sins and sinful self. 

You were sinless and perfect but You suffered for me on the cross and 

shed Your blood in death so that God’s wrath against my sin would be 

carried out and  satisfied and I might be free and forgiven by Your 

resurrection from death. Who can understand this sacrifice, this love, 

this grace. I cannot but accept this gift of grace and forgiveness. Your love 

of me  is too great for my small mind to understand. I simply accept Your 

gift and receive Your grace depending now on it and You and the cross and

the resurrection to create in me a new heart and renewed spirit. O Lord Jesus, 

hallelujah for Your joy has replaced my sorrow. Your love has replaced my 

lovelessness. Your resurrection life has given me new life, a life from You that 

can never be extinguished nor lost. Your faith and faithfulness now holds and 

keeps me safe from the devil and his power of death. Your resurrection life

prevails over death and the grave. And when anyone asks why I should be 

allowed to have this new life and why do I deserve it; I will say, “I don’t deserve 

it.” “But, I have it because of what Jesus has done for me. My only righteousness 

is His and in Him and this makes me acceptable to God." O Lord Jesus, Your love 

will bring me to You personally some day and I will receive a new body and will 

live in the constant presence of You, the Father, and the Holy Spirit forever, Amen.

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