
Showing posts from May, 2022

Guns, Guns, Guns

Guns, Guns, Guns     by Danny C. Wash                                                                           Guns, guns, guns, give us our guns. We love to hold them because it is so fun. We need them to protect me and mine and to give even one up, we must decline. Ban our right to a gun used for war, who the heck do you think you are. We need many more guns because,  what if they were to pass some gun laws. Who are they to limit in any way our right, for amendment number two we will fight We must bow our knee at that altar even though others lives it may falter. Our rights are precious & they must stay no matter the results, let come what may. Wait, the vial of destruction has been released upon our nation and this dark & deadly beast is killing & upon all in this land it may feast. Cry, cry, moan and weep, for the next meal may be us & ours, then how will we feel?  No, say we, “this cannot happen to us  for, we are special and in God we do trust.” That we may do, b

Salvation Explained

 Salvation Explained         by Danny C. Wash                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Because of what occurred in the Garden of Eden, when Satan deceived Eve and then Adam, and they ate of the forbidden tree, their spirits were darkened and divorced from God. Their soul became dominant because of the sinful disobedience of eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, so they now knew they were no longer acceptable to a relationship with God because of sin. In the deepest part of their heart, because of what Satan had put into them, they had a hatred for God and His rule. As rebellious man (a generic term including women) they also desired to be independent from God and to be their own ruler and god.  Just as all of us could be considered to have been in our parents, in a sens

The Bald Man's Ballad

The Bald Man's Ballad (Sung to the tune of "Home on the Range")           by Danny C. Wash                                                                                                                                                                                                                              First verse: Oh, give me a head where the hair doesn’t grow Where the lice and the combs never go Where seldom is met with a barber’s mow And the wind does not tossle or blow. Chorus sung after each verse: "Head, head with no mange, Where the lice and the combs never go Where seldom is touched by a barber's mow And the wind does not tossle or blow.  Second verse: Oh, give me a head with a shiny bald pate Where none can see it shine and not state How the lack of the hair is their favorite trait And to see it in the sun they cannot wait. Third verse: Oh, give me a head with the shiny bald trait Where the hairy headed guys cannot relate And no longer will I wo