What I Saw (The Story of the Bear, Bees, the Honey & Me)

 What I Saw (The Story of the Bear, Bees, the Honey & Me)

 by Danny C. Wash

I went to the river to see what I could see.

I saw on the river bank a very small green tree.

I saw on the river bank in the tree a hive of honey bees.

I saw a bear scratching his back on the tree to rid himself of fleas.

I saw the hive with bees breaking loose and falling from the tree.

I saw the bees swarming on the bear who wisely decided to flee.

I saw the bear jump into the river to escape the swarm, who then headed for me.

I saw a tree near the water so I ran toward it to escape the charging bees.

I saw a snake on the ground so I could not reach the tree.

I ran as fast as I could for other cover which would set me free

from the swarm of angry insects who would not let me be.

I saw a house to give me refuge just as they were gaining on me.

I knocked and screamed out my need but no one answered the door.

I saw an opening under the house and dove for the hole under the floor.

The pesky bees arrived as the man in the house then opened his door.

The bees met him with a swarming greeting and followed him into the room.

He ran around the room trying to escape until he could do no more.

He ran for the back of the house with the bees following seeking his doom.

I heard a loud scream from the house and the back door open and shut.

The man appeared under the house seeking safety from any more wounds

from the bees who forced him to leave by stinging his back and butt.

After awhile, we peeked from our place of safety under the house, what a sight

we saw from our hideout, it was the pesky big bear who started this fight.

We then saw all the bees buzzing up the chimney out of the house taking flight

seeking more revenge on the bear who was eating their honey with all his might.

The bear headed for the woods with great haste when he saw his coming plight.

Meanwhile, we creatures hiding under the house did not think this was all that funny.

However, the bees flew after the bear and now we could get out of all this fright.

We crawled out and it was the end of this sticky story, no thanks to the bear and the honey.

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