
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Thorn Tree

 The Thorn Tree                                               by Danny C. Wash The thorn crown is on my head. Blood trickles down into my eyes, burning like fire. I can feel my heart pounding and I can hardly breath. Each breath requires me to lift myself up a little in order to breath and when I do I feel the pain of my feet and hands tearing a little. The soldiers have beaten me with their whips and reviled me. O, Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.  The thorn pricks, dig deep and remind of the curse on all mankind  and all of the earth because of sin. Father, I take this curse upon  My head and My entire body, so that those who believe may escape  the curse of sin and death through Me. Father, I hang here on this  cross in pain, agony, and humiliation, so You may lay upon Me, the  sins of the world, drinking this cup of evil sin to the dregs, as the  perfect sacrificial lamb of God, that You may have One representing  all, yet I have committed no sin or depa