
Showing posts from July, 2022

The Tabernacle and the Temple

 The Tabernacle and the Temple       by Danny C. Wash                          “... your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God. You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”  1 Corinthians 6:19-20 When Paul wrote this statement about our body being a temple of the Holy Spirit, he was writing from knowledge of the tabernacle that the Jews used for the sign of the presence of God and their interactions with Him, when they were wandering in the wilderness after coming out of Egypt with Moses.  God prescribed the exact design of that tabernacle that was supposed to represent the presence of God with the Jews and would be taken down as they moved and then put back up when they rested at a certain location.  Finally, Solomon built a permanent temple in Jerusalem, years after they had settled in the promised land of Israel, to the precise instructions of God as to its configuration like the tabernacle, its construction

The Pit

  The Pit                                                                 by Danny C. Wash (From the pit of despair) Oh, guilty sinner trapped in the pit of despair, as a prisoner of your devilish thoughts, lusts, and fears; crying in misery & grief. Your dancing & merriment is over, the music  has ended,  the band has gone home and you  are alone.  The weight o f your sin is great and the  thought of death  and judgment is real. You say you  want to die but are afraid  of what is next. Your guilty  conscience haunts you every  moment    & the  memory of all those you have betrayed & hurt   plagues   you like a dread disease eating your  flesh and your mind. The time of reckoning is near. You weep over the misery of your wasted life. The cup of your evil is full to the brim & is ready for you to drink down to the dregs. You cry over the great betrayals of those who trusted you and the  memory of those who you abandoned for your own  pleasure, eats at your soul a