
Showing posts from January, 2022

The Lamb of God-The Old, Old Story

  The Lamb of God-The Old, Old Story    by Danny C. Wash Adam opened his eyes while coughing and sputtering to life. His first sight was God, the Father, in a human-like form leaning over him, after having breathed the breath of human life into him. Adam immediately knew who God was, as his Creator, because God had imprinted knowledge in his brain of many things he would need to know since he was created fully grown and mature. Adam, as the first human was the prototype, with extreme brain power and physical attributes. Adam was created with three parts that were essentially separate but intermingled. These parts were his physical body; his soul consisting of his conscious mind, will, and emotions; and his spirit, which was that part of him that contained his conscience, his intuition, and his sub-conscious mind. God had already created the universe, and re-created the old formless void world to contain all its new contents, and animal life.  God wanted Adam to now participate